How can we best serve your school?
School-Wide Well-Being Program
Implementation of a multi-phased, multi-tiered, school-wide Well-Being Program for students & teachers. Emphasis on integration of skills into school-day and curriculum.Will include choice of deliverables offered below with room for variation to meet specific school/community needs.
Introduction to Mindfulness & Resilience
In-person or virtual one-hour, interactive workshop designed for teachers and administrators to learn the “What, Why and How”of Mindfulness & Resilience practice.
Anchors & SELs: An Inside-Out Approach to Well-Being
In-person, two-hour, interactive workshop for teachers and administrators to learn to interweave the SEL 3 Signature Practices into their spaces & to learn the “What, Why and How” of Mindfulness & Resilience practice.
Weekly Well-Being
In-person or virtual 9-Week Course for Teachers.
One, 30-minute session per week.
Includes one “Mindful Moment” practice video per week.
Mindful Schools Curriculum (K-5 & 6-12)
In-person or virtual 9-week Course for Students.
One, 45-minute class per week (Class length & course duration are flexible based on school schedule!).
Includes one “Mindful Moment” practice video per week.
Calm Spaces Kind Places Workshop: Mindfulness & Resilience in the Classroom!
In-person, 1.5 hour, interactive workshop for teachers to learn tangible ideas for weaving Mindfulness & Resilience into their classroom!
My Family & Me: Mindfulness & Resiliency
6 Classes & 6 Videos for 1st - 5th graders w/ parent.
Weekly, 1-hour session.
Practice yoga & movement challenges, Mindfulness & Resiliency skills aimed for fun, focus & feeling grounded.
+ “Introduction to Mindfulness & Resilience
Workshop” for parents.
Community Resilience Model (CRM®) Skills Training
This skills-based workshop teaches community members 6 key strategies (+ bonus “Help Now!” skills) to support in balancing the nervous system when it is dysregulated and returning to and widening one’s “Resilient Zone.”